Digital advertising is a great way to drive people into your marketing funnel. You may be concerned with the initial up front costs, but I’ll explain why it will save you money in the long run.
Test Your Funnel
You have no idea if you have the right deal set up unless people go through the funnel. You’re testing the message, the offer, and the audience.
There’s something called “critical mass” which is essential when you are evaluating the effectiveness of a campaign.
Test the Audience
Using very targeted customer audiences on Facebook at $3-5/day will allow you to test how engaged your target market will be with your offer and landing page. You should let the ad run about 3-5 days to evaluate its effectiveness.
You can pull audiences from people who have already visited your website. Or you can start to test with demographics.
If you set up a fan page, and go into Insights, you will see the demographics of the people who like your page. This could be a good starting point.
You’ll need to ask yourself if they’re buyers or just people who “like” what you’re doing.
Then you can expand by using Look-alike audiences.
Test the Landing Page
There are programs out there called “heat maps” that will show you how people are interacting with your web page. This can be useful if people are expecting something to be a link and it’s not, or they’re not engaging with the Buy Now button. You may want to test adding in more buttons or moving the button around.
Then set up two landing pages to test the text. You may always be running some form of test to see what converts. This is called Split A/B testing. What you should know is to only test one thing at a time. If you try to test more, then you won’t know what ended up converting better.
This is the scientific part of marketing which I always find fun.
Test the Offer
When you have the correct audience and the correct landing page, then you need to test the offer. You can use Google Analytics to help you with the flow.
If people are leaving your website or not picking up your upsell, it’s time to test if it’s resonating with your target audience. If not, maybe you need a different upsell.
Or perhaps people aren’t taking your second one but are taking your third. In which case, you may want to swap the second and third.
Why? Psychology. When people keep saying “Yes,” then they keep wanting to say “Yes.” Test it and see.
Organic Ranking Is Slow
It could be months before you have enough traffic, and by then, you won’t have been able to optimize your sales funnel. Think of all the money you left on the table by not optimizing your funnel faster.
Advertising Increases Awareness
I’m sure you’ve heard that if you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door. Now you know that’s only true if they know you have the mousetrap.
You can get your product or service in front of more people who have pain but don’t know what to do.
Learn more about Facebook Ads in my Simply Effective Facebook Ads course on Udemy. Use this link and pick it up for $10.
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This is good, practical advice. I’ll be back,